Saturday, August 20, 2011

UFC Conspiracies

There is a cover up in the UFC.  We all see it.  We all know it is there.  We know that there is so much more happening behind the scenes that we never viewed by our public prying eyes.  We want to know everything.  That's why we obsess and why we want to know everything that is UFC.  We come up with our own scenarios and match ups.  We scream at the Judging and how atrocious the results can be.  I have my conspiracies and this is the first edition them.

The first thing that bothers me and I wish could be addressed is how the UFC covers up for many athletes.  Recently Mayhem Miller was arrested for simple assault.  It took several weeks for this to hit the MMA presses and online media.  Mayhem Miller is the host of Bully Beatdown and Star of this upcoming season of the Ultimate Fighter Reality Show.  It would behoove the UFC if this was brushed under the rug.  Mayhem Miller is a great talent.  Not only is he one of the best all around fighters at 185 lbs, but he is entertaining and integrates great interviews, humor, and style into his "Mayhem" persona.  MMA is filled with fighters who are lacking the "it" factor.  Mayhem has "it" and the UFC needs "it" on TV.

Diego Sanchez fails a drug test for Marijuana early in his career.  This was not brought to the public eye until well after the event.  Matt Hughes was choked out by Carlos Newton and Carlos Newton was knocked out at the same time.  Matt Hughes was awarded the title.  Then he went on to write UFC Welterweight History. The UFC is doing a nice job of covering up for their faces.  They even went as far as to allow Nate Marquardt to have issues in New Jersey and allow him to disgrace the even in Pittsburgh.  I know it is the Athletic commissions that makes the decisions in these drug and licensing eligibility cases, but the UFC seems more lenient on these athletes because they are popular and it is in their best interest.  As the company grows discipline and protocol must be set forth from the top tier to the bottom and all fighters should face the same punishment despite face value and status.

Performance Enhancing Drug use is estimated to be as high as 90% by active MMA fighters.  To me this is a very laughable subject.  If the athletic commissions are only going to test before and after the event then shame on them.  To me if you're not using then you are not trying.  If it is known that everyone is "cheating" then you should probably be cheating.  Is it cheating if you are off the drugs when it is time to compete?  I don't think so.  The problem is guys like Josh Barnett, Nick Diaz, Diego Sanchez, Royce Gracie, and Chris Leben have all failed drug tests for Marijuana or some illegal chemical in their drug test, all of these fighters have "face" value and are quality fighters so it doesn't look good.  The truth is that every fighter is trying to get that edge and are willing to do whatever it takes within the rules of the sport to win.

Judging in MMA has to be fixed, but the fact that it continues to be an issue is hilarious at this point.  This must be a conspiracy, because if this were a real sport it wouldn't seem like it is fixed sometimes.

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